
Santa Cruz Province, Argentina


“GIANCARLO” Project, has an area of 10.000 hectares and is located in the west of the Deseado Massif; in one of the most prospective regions of this geological province. It is also only 10km from the advanced “Virginia Project” (Mirasol Resources).

The "Giancarlo" area was requested by "Tres Cerros Exploraciones" in this year 2022, so it still does not have field work carried out by our geologists.

The sector of the old "Giancarla" project of 6,500 hectares, and which belonged to "Samco Gold"; It is currently part of the “Giancarlo” project. That one has a few field works carried out several years ago, by its previous owners, and which are published in a technical report 43,101 of the year 2011.

Public Information of “Samco Gold”

The Giancarla licence is underlain almost entirely by Jurassic-aged volcanic rocks of the Chon Aike Formation that are cut by a series of north-northwest, northwest, and northeast trending faults. These rocks are generally flat-lying, but in the east part of the permit appear to dip gently to the southeast. It is possible to subdivide the Chon Aike into two units, with the boundary between the two often being fault bounded. Inter-bedded in the Chon Aike, a very pale band of possible tuffs and ash-fall deposits of the La Matilde Formation can be traced throughout the concession. In low-lying areas, Quaternary terrace gravels have been deposited and subsequently incised by recent ephemeral stream activity that feeds saltpans/seasonal lakes. These fluvial systems are often fault controlled, and in places display an almost trellis-like drainage system. Drainage is dendritic in areas where faulting is less prolific.

The structure of the permit area is dominated by two north-northwest trending normal faults that appear to have downthrown rocks in the centre of the permit in a graben structure. These major structures are intersected by west-northwest, northwest and northeast trending faults. Drainage is heavily influenced by these faults, which in places is weakly trellis-like. Possible dykes/veins, which occur in the southeast quadrant of the permit area, trend west-northwest and northwest.

Public Information of “Samco Gold”

On Giancarla, Grasta collected 10 samples, all of which returned above detection gold values. One sample returned 0.80 ppm Au, 1.37 ppm Ag, 473 ppm As, 2,811 ppm Ba and 1.5 ppm Hg. This sample coincides with the intersection of two strong fracture zones identified as priority targets by satellite imagery interpretation. All other samples coincide with strong fracture zones