Guayra y Alma Gaucha

Santa Cruz Province, Argentina


The Guayra and Alma Gaucha projects are located in a highly promising district for the discovery of disseminated and vein-type gold-silver mineralization. Both projects cover approximately 15,000 hectares and are only about 12 kilometers apart.

These projects are situated near the “La Curva” and “Libanesa” (Mirasol) projects, “Mancha Blanca” (Goldcorp), “Cerro Chato” (Fomicruz); and about 30 kilometers from the “Don Nicolás” mine.

Currently, with just one week of prospecting work, five targets have been identified.

In the "Guayra" project, only the old targets "Domo Norte" and "El Sinter" have been recognized, leaving more than 70% of the project still to be prospected.

Guayra Project


The GUAYRA Project is located in one of the most prospective districts for the discovery of disseminated and vetiform Au and Ag mineralization, in the Deseado Massif. The survey has 8,000 hectares, where mainly volcanic rocks of Jurassic age emerge.

So far, there are two identified prospects, named: “Domo Norte” and “El Sinter”.

The main target is “Domo Norte”, located in the extreme northwest of the Project and only 6 km southeast of the main prospect of the “La Curva” Project, which has been recently drilled by Mirasol under a JV with Oceana Gold.

The “El Sinter” target, in the southeast, has relics of a siliceous sinter and anomalous hydrothermal breccias in Au.

The GUAYRA Project is located within the “Las Calandrias” district, which is known for having several exploration projects with the model of “mineralized domes complexes, as well as vein structures; with close to 1 million oz of Au in resources throughout the district; is also located next to the “La Curva” (Mirasol) and “Cerro Chato” (Fomicruz) projects; and only 30km from the “Don Nicolás” Mine Plant.

Domo Norte Target

History and Geology

Historical: In the project there is a history of very little exploration work, carried out by the company IamGold, around the year 2000. Those works consisted of prospective mapping and a few geochemical rock sampling (per verbal comments).

Geology: In the area there are bodies of rhyolitic domes (altered-oxidized), elongated north-south; located in a complex of argilized Ignimbrites; all of Jurassic age (Fm Chon Aike and La Matilde). The area has a series of very smooth hills, with few outcrops.

In “Domo Norte" there is a hydrothermal Breccia, located on the west flank of a rhyolitic dome; with an approximate heading N-S, up to 5m in width and about 1,500m long, outcropping discontinuously. The breccia has highly silicified rhyolitic clasts in a siliceous matrix. A sigmoidal vein of microcrystalline quartz also outcrops, housed in the "Dome", in addition to subcrops of another smaller vein.

Geochemistry: Since 2017, “Tres Cerros Exploraciones” has carried out some rock sampling. There are only 19 rock samples; extracted by the different companies that visited the area. Precious metal anomalies appear, with the best values up​​ to 99ppm Ag and up to 0.49ppm Au, associated with some base metals. With these values, it is demonstrated that there is a mineralized system in precious metals; similar to those known in projects in this district, such as: “Las Calandrias”, “La Curva”, “Falcon” and “Los Domos”. One could think of the possible presence of a mineralized body in depth, as occurs in some of the named projects.

0xFe Aster Image

In the OxFe Aster Image, the northwest zone; the altered zone with the presence of iron oxides is clearly seen in the so-called “Domo Norte” target.

You can see a graph (gray polygon), the area where an "IP gradient" geophysics was carried out, 2018.

Aster OxFe image, and the area covered with IP Gradient geophysics

Preliminary mapping, on the Aster OxFe image; with the bodies of "Rhyolitic Domes", together with the Chargeability Anomalies, (in orange and red colors).

Landsat image with the Domes, structures and Chargeability Anomalies

Landsat image with the Domes, structures and Resistivity Anomalies

Bing Image with Geology and Geophysics

There are Rhyolitic Domes, Mineralized Structure and Chargeability Anomalies (in orange and red colors) and Resistivity (in light blue and blue colors).


Au Geochemistry

Ag Geochemistry

GEOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY of Ag, GEOPHYSICS (Chargeability-Resistivity)



El Sinter Target

Bing image with the “El Sinter” target where there are subcrops of the “Sinter” type. There is a single rock sample from a gap; with Au anomaly of 0.275ppm.
