Cerro Bayo

Santa Cruz Province, Argentina


CERRO BAYO Project have 8000 hectares and is located in the western part of the the Deseado Massif in a very prospective area for Au-Ag epithermal LS mineralization.

CERRO BAYO Project have sampling carried out by “Tres Cerros Exploraciones”, with a total of 9 rock samples, mainly on "Cerro Bayo Oeste“ prospect.

“Cerro Bayo Oeste”, the main prospect, is located on the Norwest part of property and have several mineralized structures with up to 3.300ppm Ag.

Location of Cerro Bayo Project

with the main target: Cerro Bayo Oeste. Neighbor projects, Verde (Yamana Gold) and San Agustin (GoldCorp) are showed

Also there are other 2 prospects, "target NE" and "Los Amigos Norte"

Cerro Bayo Oeste Target

In “Cerro Bayo Oeste” there are several altered structures with veins, stockworks and vein breccias in a 2 x 2 km area. The textures comprises crystalline quartz, grey chalcedony silica with Ag sulphosalts and hydrothermal breccias.

The mineralization is associated with large altered structures with conspicous argillic alteration and silicification restrained to selvages. The quartz textures, the strong anomalies in As, Sb and Hg, the alteration and the presence of silica sinter terraces at same level are indicating that there are outcroping the highest portion of the hydrothermal system.

The 7 samples taken returned all over 95ppm of Ag, with the bests grades of 3,300ppm Ag and the best sample of Au 1,07ppm.

The neighbor “Verde Project" (Yamana) to the west appear to be part of the same system but in uplifted block, where outcrops veins with high Ag grades, associated with a rhyolitic dome.

Both projects (Cerro Bayo and Verde) have some scout drillings carried out for the formers owners, Hochschild and Exeter respectively.

Cerro Bayo Sur Target


Cerro Bayo Sur with 5,500 hectares, is located northwest of the Province of Santa Cruz; in a very prospective district for Au-Ag mineralization of the Deseado Massif and near projects, such as: “San Agustin” (Patagonia Gold), “Verde” (Yamana).

In 2009 and for some years, in this district there was a Joint Venture agreement between “Hochschild ”and“ Mariana Resources ”, with 3 mining properties at that time: San Agustin IV, Amigo I and Amigo II; and that was called THE AMIGOS PROJECT.

There, many exploration works were carried out (geology, geochemistry, geophysics and drilling). Regarding the prospective works of "Tres Cerros Exploraciones", one geologist of the company some time ago, he conducted a search reconnaissance. In the extreme northeast of it, and on the important trend of northwesterly bearing structures, he extracted a single rock sample, which returned a value of 1,100 g / t Ag and 0.66 ppm Au.

The central area of the survey was also recognized, where structures appear in different directions, and the presence of a “Hot Spring” silica Sinter deposits.