La Flora

Santa Cruz Province, Argentina


LA FLORA it is a very prospective area for epithermal LS Au-Ag mineralization.

A main target in the center of area, known as "Vetas La Flora" have veins with up to 423 g/t Au.

La Flora Project have a claim of 6.000 has covering outcropping acidic volcanic rocks. It is located in the West of the Santa Cruz province, in the Deseado Massif, close to “Virginia Project”, (12Moz Ag - Mirasol Resources).

At the moment after only 3 days of work, there are two target: One main sector, called: "Vetas La Flora“ and “Flora West”.

In the area of "Vetas La Flora" outcrops a vein system with 3 parallel veins, oriented NNE_SSW. Two veins outcrops entirely in La Flora claims and one have 250m length in the concession and 450m in the next claim (third party claim).

Vetas La Flora

The 3 main structures and veins adds around 5 km lineal length and 0,70 to 1,5 m wide.

There are only 8 rock chip samples with up to 423 g/t Au, and locally “visible gold”.

The veins textures includes hydrothermal breccias, Chalcedony silica, Gray silica very with fine pyrite and bands of chalcedony with Ag sulphosalts and VG “Ginguro” style. Sometime associated with microcrystalline quartz stockwork.

The outcrops of the main vein ends to north in a topographic low with potential to continuing undercover.

The other structures to the east; are parallel to the principal vein, and there are silicified structures with some quartz veinlets. There are only 2 samples with the best values 2,8ppm Au.

Principal Vein

Ginguro bands

La Flora West

This prospect have a NE- SW, 170m length, discontinuos subcroping vein, with potential to continue undercover to north and south.

There are only 3 samples with up to 5 g/t Au.

The vein textures includes crystalline quartz with calcite pseudomorphs (bladed txt), grey chalcedony and amatiste spots (associated with high grades in the district). Also zones with hidrothermal breccias.

The host rock is a rhyodacite of Chon Aike formation.